Gone East, Back in 5

Friday, October 14, 2005

With lens-free glasses, I see.

Bangkok backyard; charming as a wart.

Bangkok all London-like.

Thai girls being Thai girls.


  • At 5:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    w00t for you Mark! Glad to see you having some adventures. I have one question though. You've uploaded a picture with a caption underneath it that reads:"Bangkok all London-like."
    I was just wondering whether those birds were real or just painted on.

  • At 11:53 pm, Blogger Simply Mark said…

    b3N, you cyberpunk you!

    The story behind that picture, in a nutshell: a ring of homeless Thais sit drunken and emaciated just right of frame, welcoming of my presence, and they decide not that I need to throw them a coin or two, but that I need to take a picture of their concrete corner of a home, which would benefit from a quaint little touch like pigeons in the bottom right corner, and so throw a few crumbs into frame once I've set up the shot, designed to lure the pigeons down from the towering trees above, which is quite the ingenious thing for a bunch of drunken and emaciated Thais to conceive of, so I ended up spending most of my time in Bangkok with them, which I'll write aboutpost a recital of within the week.

    Plus, I don't know how to photopaint or photoshop or any of that razamatazz. Missing you, bro. Stay cool.


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