Gone East, Back in 5

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Four wooden legs & a mind of its own.

I'd be criminally remiss in not telling you about the frail wooden seat in the foyer of my current (gloriously ramshackle) guesthouse's foyer that is invested with the much-coveted power to turn all who sit on it into ranting lunatics.
Last night an American sat and expounded on the Whitehouse's suspect conduct and motives, a plethora of rote-learned facts evidencing her assertions. Launched into an argument stemming from talkback radio shows; a NASA employee rang in to declare weather manipulation a feasible coup these hypermodern days. To reveal that Hurricane Katrina was not on course to raze New Orleans two days prior. He thought something was seriously amiss about all this.

Then witness her recount her own finely-wrought theories, involving lasers shooting skywards to sculpt clouds thence usher them across continents. All five listeners excuse themselves to the bathroom and sneak out the side exit en route.
We were not laughing.
Again, earlier tonight, a 60-something Austrian with Wittgenstein's toupee spoke in hisses about his anarchist streaks, dope-dealing capital, and clandestine status as a for-hire vigilante, wherein he regularly infiltrates destitute Bangkok prisons to console the wrongly incarcerated- because that's what he does and was born to do.
The intensity in his eyes.
Both sat in that same wretched seat two nights running, you see. What if tomorrow I repose in that ominous little chair and beckon the specter to come speak through me? It's not often that I do this. You could say I'm looking for things to do.


  • At 10:23 am, Blogger Christopher John Stokes said…

    Daily Semanstories!
    This is perfect!

    Looking forward to your return, Mark. There will be good times, what say you?

  • At 12:24 pm, Blogger Simply Mark said…

    Let the good times, the good times, the good times roll...

  • At 1:40 pm, Blogger schlarb said…

    Since I have already graced a soap-box at speakers corner with my presence, that frail wooden construct in Laos is now my Mecca. You of all people would understand...

  • At 9:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You know what happened to Goldilocks when she sat down in that famous little old chair in the house in the forest ..........

  • At 7:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Greeting oh wise man from Laos.
    Whilst contemplating the fact that Laos rhymes with chaos I came upon the "Butterfly Effect" -

    "The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, what the atmosphere actually does diverges from what it would have done. So, in a month's time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn't happen. Or maybe one that wasn't going to happen, does." (Ian Stewart, Does God Play Dice? The Mathematics of Chaos, pg. 141)

    What better topic could there be for a two legged man squatting on a four legged chair with a mind of his own!

    Keep those feet off the ground man.
    Counting the days to touch down
    The Tee-Man


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